
This page contains outdated links that have been removed from the information page.

  • Fuchs GmbH: ART, almost regular triangulations of trimmed surface solids. Tri> Sur> Tet>

  • ETA: VPG-PrePost, mesh generation for DYNASOFT.

  • Tekon2D (Nash'at Ahmad): A Java application for visualizing unstructured triangular meshes and data in two dimensions.

  • CAF2D GENGRID (CAF Lab): 2D structured grid generation (algebraic, elliptic). 2str>

  • CAF2D GENMESH (CAF Lab): 2D unstructured triangular and quadrangular mesh generation (Delaunay, advancing front). Tri> qua>

  • Structural Grid Generation System (JAERI CCSE): Structured grid generation with application in CFD. 2str>

  • Mezgen (Andrey Mezentsev): An unstructured tetrahedral Delaunay mesh generation code with efficient boundary recovery and poly-element (mixed element) capabilities. tet>

  • Marc: Mentat-II, manual, semi-automatic and automated 2D/3D mesh generation. MARC/HexMesh, automated hexahedral meshing of solid CAD geometry. Tri> 2str> 3str> Qua> Hex>

  • CFD research corporation: CFD-GEOM, an interactive CAD type geometry creation and fast grid generation (structured, unstructured and hybrid grids) program. CFD-Micromesh, three-dimensional (3D) geometry building and mesh generation from layouts, designed primarily for the special needs of the microelectronics and MEMS industry. tri> sur> tet>

  • TAM (Andrei V. Smirnov): tool-assisted mesh generation for the simulation of biomedical flows. tet>

  • SimBio-Vgrid (Guntram Berti): A fast and robust octree-based 3D mesh generator for unstructured grids. Works directly on segmented 3D images.

  • Discretizer (Björn Bergqvist): An interactive mesh creation tool, block-structured meshes for cfd applications.

  • NASA's Small Business Innovation Research & Technology Transfer 2009 Program solicitates proposals, resulting in the development and improvement of software packages for high-aspect ratio, three-dimensional meshing and re-meshing.

  • John Shewchuk announces Stellar, a tetrehedral mesh improvement program.

  • EMC2 (GAMMA): Wysiwyg 2D finite elements mesh generator, in french: Editeur de Maillage et de Contours en 2 dimensions. tri> qua>

  • Bamg (GAMMA): A meshgenerator for isotropic or anisotropic triangluar meshes. tri> qua>

  • mesh2d, mesh3d (Bilge Kaan Karamete): Triangular / tetrahedral mesh generators, suitable for parallel implementation. An efficient combination of Delaunay and advancing front methods. tri> tet>

  • Mayur Pal has setup a Mesh Generation blog Spot.

  • Digital modeling scientist sought at Institute for High Performance Computing, Singapore.

  • Delos (Olivier Stab): A 2D mesh generator for "almost flat surfaces". sur>

  • Amtec Engineering Inc.: Mesh Generator is a new Tecplot add-on that enables users to easily create a variety of two-dimensional computational meshes. Within Mesh Generator's highly interactive environment, engineers and scientists can build structured, unstructured, and hybrid meshes in minutes. Tri> 2str>

  • Computational Sciences, Inc: GeoGrid-CSI is a geometry and grid generation preprocessor for multi-block structured grid development. 3str>

  • Sciences & Computers Consultants: Forge3, tetrahedral mesh generation based on an alternative topological algorithm (based on Thierry Coupez' work). tet>

  • AVL: FAME, unstructured hex meshing using a grid-based approach. AVL also has an online meshing service. Tet>3str> Hex>

  • adapco: samm is a semi automatic mesher (predominantly hex elements). proam is the new combined meshing package for STAR-CD. pro-fe: Unstructured meshing for finite element applications. Mixpert, automatic meshing for mixed vessels. Hex> 3str> Tet> Tri> Sur>

  • The literature section has some new books.

  • Convergent Thinking: G-Smooth a general-purpose mesh generation package for KIVA-3V block-structured engine meshes. 3str>

  • Research Associate in Simulation and Modeling sought at University of Cambridge.

  • The proceedings of the 15th International Meshing Roundtable are available online.

  • It is with great sadness, we state that Dr. Timothy J. Baker died on 21st April. His contributions in unstructured meshing algorithms are well recognized in the high fidelity simulation community. He was a dedicated meshing researcher and a good friend of ISGG.

    As suggested by Dr. Baker's wife, should you wish to make a donation in Tim's memory, would you please contact the

    Pancreatic Cancer Action Network 2141 Rosecrans Ave, Suite 7000 El Segundo, CA 90245

  • The AIAA Unstructured Grid Constortium has proposed a standard api for unstructured meshing software.

  • Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering: Special issue on Mesh based geometric data processing (2005).

  • NASA's steering committee for surface modeling and grid generation has started to build a testcase library for surface modeling and grid generation.

  • A Ph.D. studentship is available at University of British Columbia ANSLab (Aug. 1, 2006).

  • CSAR has an immediate opening for a postdoctoral research associate to work in the area of parallel meshing for evolving geometry (UIUC, Illinois) (Aug. 8, 2005).

  • Silvaco International is looking for a 3D TCAD mesh developer (design and implement 3D meshing solutions in Silvaco's Process and Device tools) (Dec. 18, 2003).

  • The Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute at the University of Utah has an immediate opening for a post-doctoral fellow in the field of bioelectric field modeling and simulation. The successful candidate will carry out research and development in areas such as representation of discrete geometric models of human anatomy, mesh generation, numerical approximation methods for field problems and inverse solution approaches applied to experimental and clinical data in cardiac and eurologic electrophysiology.

  • Engineering Sciences, Inc.: UNIC-Mesh, a newly developed advanced pre-processor that is a part of UNIC-CFD products. 3str>

  • NCSA mesher (Kim Stephenson): Designed to be a preprocessor for computational programs requiring a gridded space; allows you to create a cubic, regular or rectilinear grid. 3str>

  • Mesh-maker (Jason Lander): A program for generating unstructured meshes over a pre-specified orography. tet>

  • HAMAC (EPFL LMF): An interactive software package for assisting the mesh generation process, has been developed for CFD applications in the framework of a project involving flow simulation in turbines. 3str>

  • Chalmesh (Anders Petterson): A 3D overlapping grid generator. 3str>

  • SiGMA (Sergei Chumakov): A package for 2-dimensional quasi-conformal grid generation. 2str>

  • SD (David Kornmann): A fully dynamic constrained Delaunay triangulation engine for realtime triangulation. tri>

  • TRUMPET (Philip C.E. Jorgensen): TRiangular Unstructured Mesh generator by Point insErTion. tri>

  • Xcog (Anders Petterson): An interactive 2d overlapping grid generator. 2str>

  • Revivor (Piyush Kumar): Surface reconstruction from unorganized point sets. sur>

  • GAMAG (G. Iliadis): A new, fast and easy-to-use 2D triangular mesh generator, especially desinged to handle complex geometries. tri>

  • GEOMESH/X3D (Carl W. Gable): Unstructured finite element grid generation for geological applications. tet>

  • PRISM (Shishir Pandya): A 3D grid generation code for generating prismatic grids.

  • NCSA MinMaxer (NCSA): A two-dimensional triangulation tool with an optional graphic user interface. The program implements several optimal two-dimensional triangulation algorithms and can be used to aid grid generation and visualization.

  • Industrial Research Ltd.: Geocad, interactive grid generation for preparing models of groundwater, geothermal and other multi-phase flows. 2str>3str>

  • A number of codes have been evaluated in the grid generation enhancement project at CEWES MSRC.

  • Christian Klesper has carried out a survey of meshing programs. He lists the requirements for grid generators, presents a list of mesh generators and examines two programs in detail. The application area is earth science.

  • Tamal K. Dey announces SurfRemesh, a tool for remeshing a polygonal surface with Delaunay triangles that have bounded aspect ratio. It maintains the topology and approximates the geometry of the original surface.

  • New book in memoriam of Sergey Alexandrovich Ivanenko: S.A. Ivanenko: Selected Chapters on Grid Generation and Applications. Dorodnicyn Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ISBN 5-201-09812-6 (2004).

  • New book: Advances in Grid Generation. Olga Ushakova (Ed.), Nova Publishers (2005).

  • Cd-adapco Italy is looking for a highly qualified and motivated candidate with experience in meshing technology and algorithms for his Rome, Italy office (Dec. 18, 2003).

  • announces a free meshing service for CASCADE solid models.

  • Vahid Madani, SAPCO, Teheran, is working on different kinds of CFD, including grid generation.

  • Dave Watson, UWA Perth, is a specialist for Delaunay triangulation with application in geophysical modeling. del> the> geo>

  • Nestor Calvo, INTEC computational mechanics group (Santa Fe), works on non structured all-hexahedral mesh generation. hex> qua>

  • A postdoc position in computational geometry and mesh generation is available at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. (Contact Jeff Erickson) (Mar. 3, 2002).

  • Applications are invited for postdoctoral positions jointly by the department of Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota. Candidates will perform research on parallel algorithms, graph partitioning, domain decomposition, mesh generation, and develop scalable parallel libraries and integrate them in existing scientific simulation codes (Dec. 30, 2001).

  • Concepts NREC is looking for an associate director, CFD Software Development whose responcibilities include supervising the grid generation development (Dec. 6, 2002).

  • Jean-Christophe Cuillere looking for Ph.D students (2) in the field of automatic mesh generation. The students should register at Université de Sherbrooke in the province of Quebec (Canada) (May 14, 2002).

  • Algor Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, USA, is seeking a Software Developer with experience in surface and solid meshing as well as 3D geometric modeling tools including NURBS (contact Ian O'Brien,

  • There is an open position at IFP, Paris, France (contact Chabib Bennis). Topic is mesh generation for multiphase flow simulation.

  • Software developer sought by Design and Analysis software developer and marketer in Los Angeles (tetrahedral finite element meshing, triangular surface meshing or surface geometry tessalations) (Dec. 18, 2003).

  • ISE's San Jose office has an open position for a mesh generation software developer.

  • The Command Group, Inc. is looking for a software developer with experience in the design and implementation of surface meshing methods, as well as solid meshing techniques, including evaluation and repair of CAD geometry (Wexford, PA, USA).

  • There is an opportunity in Los Angelas (USA) for a developer who has strong experience in finite element mesh generation (Apr. 24, 2002).

  • Postdoc positions available within a new EU research training network called MINGLE (Multiresolution in Geometric Modelling, Center for Mathematical Sciences M3, TU München) (Aug. 5, 2001).

  • The LLNL Computational Physics Support Group has positions for people with experience in mesh generation (July 10, 2002).

  • Call for papers: Mesh-based geometry special issue, ASME Transactions, Journal of Computing & Information Science in Engineering (JCISE). Contact Kenji Shimada, deadline is October 1, 2004.

  • Call for papers: Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, special issue on grid generation. Paper submission deadline is Nov. 1, 2004.

  • Dr. Sergei Aleksandrovich Ivanenko has tragically died 24 September 2003 at the age of 49. His colleagues have setup an obituary.

  • New book by Vladimir D. Liseikin: A Computational Differential Geometry Approach to Grid Generation. Springer, ISBN 3-540-14008-5 (2003).

  • Guo Yun, PhD student at University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, does research on multiresolution modeling and surface construction. del> cg> mr>

  • Andreas Wick and Jianping Yan, HFI institute for fluid mechanics, Technical University Berlin, are interested in grid generation for cfd. cfd> str>

  • Kees Vulk, TU Delft Applied analysis section, has supervised a master's thesis on Mesh Generation in Underground Layers Near Faults (joint work with Shell Research). tet> geo>

  • Marcelo Kallmann's research interests include incremental 3D delaunay using 3D Euler topological operators (Computer Graphics Lab, EPFL). del> tet> cg>

  • DimensionMG (Andrew A. Johnson): A general purpose three dimensional automatic mesh generator. It is based on the Delaunay method and incorporates a general purpose three dimensional automatic mesh generator. tri> tet> sur>

  • Mirela Damian-Iordache, Ph.D. student in computer science, University of Iowa, is interested in parallel computing, mesh generation and convex decomposition.

  • Dongsuk Chae is a Ph.D. student at the Aerodynamic Simulation Laboratory, Seoul National University. His research includes grid generation and flow solver development of full aircraft by surface cutting method with chimera scheme. cfd> aer>

  • Meshing research at IIB, University of Darmstadt: Michael Burghardt works on parallel 2D mesh generation. par> tet>

  • Bass Aboubacar Bagayogo, EPT Montreal, groupe de recherche en element finis: His thesis research is on octree-based surface mesh generation. oct> sur>

  • Chang-Hwai Ahn, Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, is interested in mesh generation for computational electromagnetics. ai> ee>

  • Rene Ziegler, Institut für Baustatik, University of Karlsruhe, works on optimisation of mesh generation for finite element methods.

  • Fouad Ahmad at NCSA structural/solid mechanics group maintains a page with information on computational mechanics The US Association for Computational Mechanics.

  • COASTAL_ENG is the web portal for on-line coastal engineering and oceanography resources.

  • The Mechanical Analysis Homepage is intended to be a tool for the engineers and scientist who perform mechanical analysis (maintained by Stephen D. Wix).

  • CFDsource, a computational fluid dynamics portal.

  • The Computer Science Resource Index is maintained at the Department of Computer Science, University of Constance.

  • Scientific Applications on Linux is a collection of information and links of software that scientists and engineers will be interested in.

  • Online Proceedings 12th International Meshing Roundtable, conference held in Santa Fe, NM (USA), 2003, are available.

  • Delaunay mesh generation: Course held by Siu-Wing Cheng, University of Hongkong.

  • VolGrid (NCST Graphics and CAD division): A package for interactive generation of tetrahedral volume grids around aircraft surfaces. tet>

  • iitZeus (IIT Bombay): A multi-block grid/mesh generator for practical 3d geometry. Comes with a geometric modeler. sur> 3str>

  • Javamesh (Hsuan-Cheng Lin): A Java-implementation of John Shewchuk's Delaunay triangulation algorithm. tri>

  • CASCAD (Alexey A. Ignatiev): A block-structured grid builder, based on elliptic equations. 2str> 3str>

  • Visual Dynamics: Griddle, block-structured 3D mesh generation. 3str>

  • Skyblue Systems: Sky/Mesh2, automatic generation of surface meshes in 3D. tri> sur>

  • UES Software Inc.: MeshCAST is the meshing module of the ProCAST casting simulation system. Generates tetrahedral element meshes. tet>

  • Essig Research: EZmesh, converts three dimensional solid models into block-structured finite element meshes. 3str>

  • Easymesh (Bojan Niceno): Two-dimensional quality mesh generator, constrained Delaunay triangulations. tri>

  • Raindrop Geomatic: Geomagic Wrap is designed for automatic surface reconstruction and mesh generation from point cloud data. Geomagic Decimate coarsens meshes to speed up the rendering process. sur>

  • FELISA (NASA LARC): surface and volume triangulation and mesh adaption. tri> sur> tet>

  • OORT (CERCA): Object-oriented remeshing toolkit, a C++ library for the generation, adaptation and optimization of structured or unstructured meshes. 2str> 3str> tet>

  • maille (CERCA): 3D multiblock structured grid generation with application in aerodynamics and cfd. 2str> 3str>

  • At the Weierstrass-Institut in Berlin Ilja Schmelzer has developed the grid generation package COG 2.0 for the generation of triangular and tetrahedral Delaunay meshes for complex geometries. Eberhard Bänsch does research in refinement strategies for unstructured tetrahedral meshes.

  • Si Hang announces Tetgen 1.2, a stand-alone program for 3D Delaunay tetrahedral mesh generation.

  • The Proceedings 11th International Meshing Roundtable are available online.

  • Online Proceedings for the GAMM seminar on Construction of Grid Generation Algorithms are available (MPI Leipzig, ISBN 3-00-009258-7, 2001).

  • 4th Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation: Symposium, held in connection with the 7th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 27-31, 2003, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Abstracts are due by January 31, 2003 (Nov. 18, 2002).

  • Steve Owen has set up a new moderated mesh mailing list, the Mesh Generation Listserv .

  • GRUMMP version 0.2.1 is now available for download.

  • Guntram Berti aunnounces GrAL 0.2, a generic library for grid (or mesh) data structures and algorithms operating on them.

  • New bool from Herbert Edelsbrunner: Geometry and Topology for Mesh Generation. Cambridge University Press (2001), ISBN 0-521-79309-2.

  • Jaroslav Mackerle has published a review on mesh generation literature.

  • ORRIGIN (SELIGER): 2D and 3D structured grid generation. 2str> 3str>

  • Bertin: CHAMAD, automatic generation of full hexahedral mesh, starting from a CAD triangulated surface. hex>

  • CAF2D SURFMESH (CAF Lab): Surface mesh generation. sur>

  • The PMESH massively parallel mesh generator which is developed at Lawrence Livermoore National Laboratory uses a multiblock approach for the generation of very large hexahedral element meshes. par> str>

  • PMESH (LLNL): Massively parallel mulbiblock-structured mesh generation. 3str>

  • Java Mesh Generator (NCACM): This Applet allows the user to define a polygon and generates a quadrangular mesh within the polygon. The Applet will attempt to generate the number of quadrangles requested by the user. qua>

  • J. E. Edinger Associates, Inc.: GRIDGEN, an automatic grid generation tool for hydrodynamic/water quality models.

  • Immediate opening: Postdoctoral Fellowship in the area of CFD mesh generation, Robarts Research Institute/University of Western Ontario, London, Canada (contact David Steinman) (Oct. 3, 2001).

  • Dermot Monaghan has set up a glossary of mesh generation terms.

  • Steve Owen heads the mesh generation group at Ansys Inc..

  • 8th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations. June 2-6, 2002, Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

  • Si Hang announces Tetgen 1.0, a quality tetrahedral mesh generator which is freely available for academic and research purpose.

  • The US National Science Foundation announces a joint program solicitation called Computational and Algorithmic Representation of Geometric Objects (CARGO).

  • Carl-Ollivier Gooch announces version 2.0 of GRUMMP: 2D and 3D guaranteed quality mesh generation (triangles, tetrahedra).

  • New book: Herbert Edelsbrunner: Geometry and Topology for Mesh Generation. 200 pages, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-79309-2 (2001).

  • New book: Vladimir D. Liseikin: Layer Resolving Grids and Transformations for Singular Perturbation Problems. International Science Publishers, ISBN 90-6764-346-7 (2001).

  • David Marcheix, graphics group, department of computer science, University of Bordeaux: Triangular mesh generation and geometric modeling. cg>

  • Jonathan Dursi is a University of Chicago Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics student. His scientific computing research interests lie in n-body methods, and mesh generation for finite element / finite volume computations.

  • Amir Sharif is a PhD student at Brunel University, Centre for Neural and Evolutionary Systems, with Robert Ettinger. His research is on the potential application of genetic algorithms (GA) to the generation of near-optimal finite element meshes to aid in the design and analysis of photonic waveguide devices (AI methods for finite element mesh generation). ai>

  • Stefan Lecho, Computational Electrochemistry Group, VUB Brussels, works on grid generation for computational electrochemistry. adv>

  • Rolf Kösters, Jakobus Meinen and Ingo Neubauer, Institute for Metal Forming (University of Hannover), work on adaptive remeshing for the simulation of metal forming processes. tet> sur> met>

  • Luca Sbardella, Imperial College mechanical engineering department dynamics section, works on semi-unstructured mesh generation for flow calculations in axial turbomachinery blading. cfd>

  • Soeren Schupp and Oliver Podebrad, electrical engineering, TH Darmstadt, work on grid generation for the simulation of electromagnetic phenomena. ee>

  • Lijun Wang, Penn State University, works on unstructured grid generation with application in multidisciplinary design optimization. cme>

  • BL2D (GAMMA): This package creates isotropic or anisotropic triangular Delaunay meshes. It can be integrated in an adaptive process. tri>

  • General Mechanics: Turbomesh, interactive, realtime 3D mesh generation (surface and volume meshes). sur> tet> 3str>

  • Mesh modeler (AHPRC): An integrated 3D surface modeler and automatic mesh generation application that couples these operations together. sur> tet>

  • Mesh++ (Giovanni Delussu): An object oriented unstructured mesh generator, comes with a geometry modeler module. tri> sur> tet>

  • A list of 3D modelers is maintained at FU Berlin.

  • Cray Research: HEXAR, unstructured hex meshing, available for Cray's parallel machines. hex>

  • GUM-B (Michael Remotique): Multiblock-structured grid generator with CAD functionality, research code (not publicly available). 2str> 3str>

  • SAMTEK-ITC: GEMS, multiblock-structured grid generation. 2str> 3str> sur>

  • Kono Yoichi, Parallel Processing Group, Muruoka Lab at Waseda University, works on parallel mesh generation (Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams). Par> Del>

  • Postdoctoral fellowship available at CERCA, Montreal, Canada, in the area of mesh generation and adaptivity (Oct. 3, 2001).

  • ICEM CFD has openings for development engineers (development of computational grid generation tools) (Apr. 29, 2001).

  • Development engineer sought at SILVACO: Design and implementation of 3D meshing solutions in Silvaco's Process and Device tools (Apr. 29, 2001).

  • CFD Research Corporation in Huntsville, Alabama, USA, is looking for a CAD/Grid Generation Software Development Engineer (Apr. 8, 2001).

  • The University of Applied Science in Bremen, Germany, has 2 post graduate positions (development of pre- and postprocessing tools for CFD simulation) (Apr. 8, 2001).

  • PostDoc Research Fellow opportunity at Cornell University Computer Science Departement in Ithaca, NY, USA: 2 year appointment to carry out research on mesh generation. Development and implementation of parallel unstructured mesh generation software for large-scale problems with complicated geometry (Apr. 8, 2001).

  • Open position: Pointwise Inc., CFD meshing software developer in Dallas, USA, seeks a software development engineer (Apr. 8, 2001).

  • ISE AG, Switzerland, seeks software engineers to join their development team working on mesh generation and solid modeling for 2D and 3D numerical simulation of semiconductor processes and devices.

  • A research position in 3D computer vision is available at Brown University, RI, USA, as part of the S.H.A.P.E. project (contact David B. Cooper) (Jan. 14, 2001).

  • Computational Dynamics (Etna, New Hamshire, USA) is hiring for CFD mesh and geometry software development.

  • Research in numerical mathematics and scientific computing, TU Cottbus: Guntram Berti investigates the possibilities of bridging the gap between geometric modeling and grid generation for numerical simulation (the grid algorithm library GrAL). Cad>

  • Guntram Berti announces GrAL, a generic library for grid data structures and algorithms operating on them.

  • Computer Aided Design, vol. 33 (3), 2001: Special edition with selected papers from the 8th International Meshing Roundtable.

  • The 10th International Meshing Roundtable will take place in Newport Beach, CA, USA, October 7-10, 2001. Paper submission deadline is June 1, 2001.

  • International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 49, Nr. 1-2 (2000) is a Special Issue on Unstructured Mesh Generation.

  • The proceedings of the 9th International Meshing Roundtable are available online at Steve Owen's Meshing Research Corner.

  • Pascal Jean Frey's and Paul Louis George's new book on mesh generation is now available in English (Hermes Science Publishing, Oxford, Paris, 814 pages, 23 chapters).

  • Fluent Inc. is looking for a talented software developer with experience in the area of meshing and geometry in CFD solvers (Dec. 31, 2000).

  • There is an opportunity in mesh generation research and development at Sandia National Laboratory's CUBIT hexahedral meshing research group (Dec. 31, 2000).

  • Numeca International in Brussels, Belgium, is seeking talented software developers to join its unstructured mesh technology team.

  • LMS CAE Inc., Iowa City, USA, is looking for geometry and mesh software developers (Oct. 10, 2000).

  • Jean-Christophe Cuilliere, Ecole d'ingenierie de Trois Riviere in Quebec, is looking for a Ph.D student in the field of automatic mesh generation.

  • Program Development Corporation (White Plains, NY, USA) has an opening for a technical sales engineer.

  • Ansys Inc. is looking for a key contributor for the development new unstructured mesh generation algorithm.

  • ETH Züricht LTNT Lab has several PhD positions, including one for somebody with experience or exposure in mesh generation.

  • The Integrated Systems Laboratory (Zürich, Switzerland) offers a PhD studentship: Mesh generation for semiconductor device simulation.

  • Postdoctoral fellowship at CERCA (Montreal, Canada): Postdoctoral fellowship in the areas of geometric modelling and grid generation for applications in computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

  • Roberto Grosso, University of Erlangen Computer Graphics Group: His research is on hierarchical meshes for volume data and progressive iso-surface extraction. Sur> Cg>

  • The Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute at the University of Utah has an immediate opening for a post-doctoral fellow in the field of geometric modeling and mesh generation.

  • LMS Cadsi's mechanical simulation technologies division is seeking a mesh generation software developer.

  • Silvaco, Inc. is looking for a development engineer - mesh generation (October 24, 1999).

  • Simmetrix Inc. is looking for a software engineer with background in mesh generation, C++ and CAD: Perform software development activities in support of Simmetrix' automatic mesh generation product, MeshSim (September 19, 1999).

  • The ANSYS mesh generation group has an opening for a software engineer in the area of mesh generation (August 8, 1999).

  • There is an opportunity in Austin / Texas for somebody with experience in free form subsurface modeling, solid modeling, meshing or some complex geometry and topology based application (Jun. 27, 1999).

  • Object Reservoir Inc., a venture-backed software firm in Austin, Texas, has immediate openings in the areas of geometric modeling and unstructured mesh generation.

  • Numeca International, a Belgian CFD company, regularly has job openings for software delelopers in grid generation.

  • The Engineering Research Center at Mississippi State University has a job offer for a research engineer in the area of grid generation (contact J. Donald Trotter).

  • Ricardo Consulting Engineers has opportunities for software developers who are strong in mesh generation.

  • CFD Research Corporation in Huntsville, AL (USA) has on employment opportunity for a geometry/grid generation/CAD interface development engineer (Apr. 5, 1999).

  • Job offer at Zuse Institut, Berlin, Germany: Graduate Fellowship in Medical Image Processing / Mesh Generation. Research areas are algorithms for deforming anatomical grid models, algorithms for mapping grid models to medical image data, image analysis, registration and fusion (Mar. 4, 1999).

  • Integrated Systems Engg Inc (San Jose, California, or Züörich, Switzerland) is looking for a software engineer: Develop next generation CAD/CAE and Meshing Software Tool for TCAD software solutions for the semiconductor industries (Mar. 4, 1999).

  • Employment opportunity at Ansoft: Develop and maintain cutting-edge automatic 3D unstructured mesh generators for suite of simulation products (Feb. 15, 1998).

  • Senior development engineer sought for work at Silvaco International. Work includes the parallelization of a 3D mesh generator (Jan. 23, 1999).

  • Eomployment opportunity at XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc., Livermoore, California: Good FORTRAN programmer sought to help develop the 3D hexahedral mesh generator TrueGrid (Jan. 14, 1999).

  • Open position at GEOLAB, NASA Langley (Virginia): Grid generation specialist for assisting in the definition of a software interface and the associated complex data structures required for reusable libraries (Jan. 3, 1999).

  • Multigen Inc., San Jose, California, is looking for a candidate with experience in computation geometry, algorithms in the area of mesh generation, topology representation and computation, contrained triangulation etc, for terrain tesselation algorithm development (Dec. 4, 1998).

  • Postdoctoral research position in the applied modelling and computation group (Imperial College, London, UK): Self-adaptive, Parallel Solution Methods for Complex FEM Problems in Nuclear Safety. One aim of the project is to develop a parallel adaptive remeshing strategy, within the context of a 3-dimensional domain decomposition method (DDM) and unstructured conforming meshes (Oct. 11, 1998).

  • Senior Research Associate sought at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory: Participate in mesh generation for site characterization studies of potential sites for high-level nuclear waste (Oct. 11, 1998).

  • Microcosm Technologies, Inc., a dynamic well-funded start-up company committed to developing state-of-the-art design and analysis CAD tools for the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) industry, is seeking a senior development engineer for it's next generation meshing applications (Oct. 2, 1998).

  • ICEM CFD has a job openings: Developing computational grid generation tools (May 17, 1998).

  • There are opportunities on numerical grid generation at NASA Langley Research Center in the NRC research associateship program (May 10, 1998).

  • There is an opportunity at Los Alamos National Laboratory (participation in the development of a setup tool that reads a CAD geometric representation and outputs a grid specification for use by a simulation code; job number 972827, May 1, 1998).

  • A well established EU-Research Network is seeking for doctoral and post-doctoral fellows (job description). The work to be carried out within the Network concerns basic research and covers, among others, the following topics for which candidates are sought: Geometric modelling, finite element mesh generation, finite element analysis and dynamic analysis of natural objects (March 31, 1998).

  • Lusas Ltd., Kingston upon Thames, UK, has a job offer for a software engineer who has a solid understanding of programming techniques and is familiar with 3D geometric modelling and meshing (March 19, 1998).

  • adapco is offering challenging positions to engineers with prior software development experience in the fields of automatic mesh generation for CFD and/or FEA codes (Jan. 9, 1998).

  • The 7th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations will be held at Chateau Whistler Resort, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, September 25-28, 2000. Deadline for the submission of abstracts is March 15, 2000.

  • Engineering with Computers has a new special issue on mesh generation.

  • The proceedings of the 8th International Meshing Roundtable are available online.

  • New book on mesh generation: Pascal Jean Frey, Paul-Louis George: Maillages, applications aux Elements finis. Editions Hermes, 1999. 842 pages, 23 chapters. An english version will appear very soon.

  • Stephen Vavasis announces release 2.0 of QMG. QMG is free software for fully automatic unstructured finite element mesh generation in two and three dimensions. It can generate triangular/tetrahedral meshes for complex domains with curved boundaries and nonmanifold features.

  • Vladimir D. Liseikin has published a new book on grid generation: Grid Generation Methods. Springer 1999, ISBN 3-540-65686-3.

  • Anatoliy Fedorovicha Sidorov, the outstanding Russian scientist in the field of mechanics and mathematics, died on March 31, 1999, in his 67th year of life. A.F. Sidorov was a member of the Presidium of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Urals Branch of RAS, an Academician of RAS and a founding member of the International Society of Grid Generation. With his death, Russian science, and the scientific community at large, lost a talented mathematician and mechanician.

  • Carlos Carbonera has published a solution for the pyramid problem (finding a hex mesh that matches a simple-looking but in fact very complicated surface mesh).

  • The Jounal of Compuational Technologies (ICT, Novosibirsk) invites contributions from the grid generation community.

  • The International Society of Grid Generation (ISGG) is an effort to foster research on mesh generation, undertaken by Bharat Soni. Recommended!

  • A list of 3D modelers is maintained at FU Berlin.

  • Kazuhiro Saitou´s research at University of Michigan, department of mechanical engineering, is on triangular mesh generation by meitotic cell division.

  • X3D (Los Alamos National Laboratory): An unstructured fininte element grid generation software package used for semiconductor device modeling, computational fluid dynamics,and porous flow modeling. Tet>

  • Dave Banks, Dept. of Mech. and Aero Eng., UC Davis, works on adaptive remeshing for strucutred grids and hybrid structured/unstructured grid generation. Str> CFD> Aer>

  • Cyril Plazinski, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides, works on 3d multiblock-structured grid generation for high-speed trains aerodynamics. str> cfd>

  • Robert Bader, Munich University, Institute for Hydraulic Machinery, is interested in unstructured grid generation for cfd simulations. CFD>

  • Jouni Ikaeheimo, Material Physics Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology: adaptive mesh generation for electromagnetic field computation. Ee>

  • PVM Corporation: VisiSage, a semi-automatic mesh generator. It is based on integrating the ACIS solid modeler and uses an overlay algorithm to generate mostly structured hexahedral meshes.

  • The people at the Caltech SCP Lab, Syracuse University, work on the SCP grid library, a parallel library designed to facilitate the use of unstructured grids so that application writers can benefit from the advantages of unstructured grids without having to implement complex data structures themselves. Par>

  • Survey of volumetric grid generators, maintained by Alex Woo et. al.: He examines both non-profit and commercial grid generators in detail.

  • ESI: SYSMESH, a 3D free mesh generator for volumes and surfaces. Tri> sur> tet>

  • CST: MAFIA, a preprocessor for application in electrical engineering. Sur> 3str> Tet>

  • SCP (Caltech SCP): A parallel library designed to facilitate the use of unstructured grids so that application writers can benefit from the advantages of unstructured grids without having to implement complex data structures themselves.

  • PSUE (Nigel Weatherhill): Parallel Simulation User Environment with 3D unstructured grid generation. Tet>

  • Meshtools (Tom Gross): A Matlab toolbox of functions for the generation and manipulation of 2-D triangular element grids. Tri>

  • Gridomatic (Dave Banks): 2D hybrid structured/unstructured grid generation. Tri> 2str>

  • FastMesh (Andreas Brinck): A not-yet quite finished 3d mesh generator, accepting 3D Studio input. Tet>

  • DALI (ISEB): Pre- and postprocessing for hydrodynamical simulations.

  • AutoMESH (Shiva Sundaram): New automatic and adaptive finite element analysis tool with automatic triangular mesh generation developed for performing finite element analysis inside AutoCAD. Tri>

  • Heidrun Kirchweger, department of mechanics, TU Graz: Her thesis is on the generation of contour-adapted grids for cfd simulations.

  • Geometric Modeling and Processing 2000, will be held in Hong Kong on April 10-12, 2000.

  • Finite element mesh generation at Colorado State University: Advancing front graded quadrilateral and hexahedral meshing. qua> hex> adv>

  • Unigraphics Solutions Inc. has an opening for a software engineer: Develop new CAE model preparation and meshing capability for the Unigraphics CAE product, UG/Scenario (September 25, 1999).

  • Albert Hines' survey of commercial preprocessors and mesh generators for mechanical engineering can be found here.

  • Torsten Hesse, Institute of Mechanics, University of Karlsruhe, works on interactive mesh generation for fe-computations on free form surfaces. sur>

  • Christoph Tapp, AM1, University of Erlangen, works on mesh generation for the simulation of groundwater flow. grw>

  • Ralf Diekmann and Friedhelm Neugebauer at the University of Paderborn do research in parallel mesh generation. par> tet>

  • Yao Zheng is senior research scientist at NASA Lewis Research Center. In the years before, he has been with adapco, New York, and PhD student in the casting group, University of Swansea (UK). sur> hex>

  • Mazen Baida is a doctor in mechanics from the University of Besancon. For his Ph.D. thesis he has realised a fully automatic mesh generator for 2D and 3D domains by the Delaunay technique. tet> del>

  • Pavel Solin, Charles University, Prague, works on unstructured 2D and 3D grid generation with application in cfd. tet> cfd>

  • Kimmo Forsman, Laboratory of Electricity and Magnetism, Tampere University of Technology, works on tetrahedral mesh generation for computational electromagnetics. tet> ee>

  • Hamid Sharifi at Universite Laval, departement informatique, works on grid generation with modified quadtree/octree technique. oct>

  • Fabio Hochleitner, Mechanical Engineering, PUC Rio de Janeiro, works on numerical grid generation for computational fluid dynamcis. cfd> aer>

  • Research at biofluid dynamics group, TU Graz: grid generation for the simulation of blood flow in arterial bifurcations. cfd> cmd>

  • Biomedical engineer sought for work at Sterling software (at NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, CA). The biomedical engineer will continue work in progress on modeling of the human vestibular system, plus work on modeling of patient physiology for the Virtual Environment for Reconstructive Surgery (VERS) and other related projects (Jan. 18, 1998).

  • Senior research associate sought for the Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Essential: Experience developing irregular grids for numerical applications and numerical analysis, preferably of hydrogeologic data. Experience in numerical mesh generation using graphics software and in writing programs to manipulate and evaluate data in Windows, DOS and UNIX environments (May 17, 1998).

  • Lawrence Livermoore National Laboratory has an open position to support the ASCI 3-D Parallel Mesh Generation (PMESH) project (May 10, 1998).

  • Fluent Inc is seeking a software engineer to develop computational geometry and mesh generation capabilities on Unix and Windows platforms (April 10, 1998).

  • General Electric's Engineering Mechanics Laboratory has job opportunities for people withs skills in geometry creation and mesh generation (Apr. 10, 1999).

  • EAGLEview (from Joe Thompson): Interactive surface and grid generation software (unstructured triangular and tetrahedral element meshes). tri> tet> sur>

  • ACE/gredit (CCLMR): Semi-automatic finite element grid generator designed to provide effective support to coastal and estuarine research and engineering (2D Delaunay triangulation). tri>

  • 3DGRAPE/AL (NASA AMES): A three-dimensional structured multiple-block volume grid generator.

  • The mesh mart is being developed to provide a source of 3D mesh object files for the growing number of 3D modeling artist and developers.

  • Click here for another list of grid generators.

  • The 8th International Meshing Roundtable will take place in South Lake Tahoe, California, October 10-13, 1999.

  • The list of accepted abstracts for the 2nd Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation is available online.

  • The Handbook of Grid Generation (Eds. Joe Thompson, Bharat Soni and Nigel Weatherhill) is a 1200 page volume that presents the state of the art in structured and unstructured grid generation. Numereous researchers have contributed chapters. The book is published by CRC Press (ISBN 0-8493-2687-7).

  • MegaCads, a 3D multiblock interactive system for the generation of structured grids, is now in the public domain. MegaCads was developed in the MEGAFLOW project (contact Olaf Brodersen).

  • The Mesh Generation Listserv is a forum for discussion on what is currently being done in the field of mesh generation. It is part of the meshing research corner and managed by Steve Owen.

  • The CFD General Notation System is a collection of conventions, and software implementing those conventions, for the storage and retrieval of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) data.

  • ULYSSE (Cyril Plazinski): Multiblock-structured grid generation for CFD, comes with a nice graphical user interface. 3str>

  • COMCO: TETMESH, surface triangulation in both parameter and physical space, Delaunay tetrahedralization of domain interior (with boundary face enforcement). tri> sur> tet>

  • NETGEN (Joachim Schöberl): An advancing front 3D tetrahedron mesh generator. tri> tet>

  • SolidPoint: TurboMesh, a finite element analysis surface meshing package for the PC. sur> qua> hex>

  • Christiane Röhl, department of turbomachinery, University of Duisburg, together with Heribert Simon, works on unstructured grid generation for flow simulation in turbomachines. tet> adv> str> cfd>

  • Xiang-Qun Song, Yamamoto Lab, Fukui University, works on Delaunay-based grid generation with application in cfd. del> cfd>

  • Manual J. Garcia´s interest is in the integration of fixed grid finite element analysis into the design process (University of Sidney). me> cad>

  • Leland Jameson, ICASE at NASA Langley Research Center, has come up with a wavelet-based technique for structured grid generation. str>

  • Gerald Nicolas announces HOMARD, a software that carries out the adaptation of 2D/3D meshes by refinement and unrefinement techniques.

  • The proceedings of the 7th International Meshing Roundtable are available online.

  • Steve Owen has performed a meshing software survey, currently containing details from about 70 software products.

  • A very good evaluation of grid generation codes has been done in the grid generation enhancement project (CEWES MSRC).

  • The Meshing Jobs Database is a new free service for advertising open positions in the field of mesh generation. It is part of CFD Online, the editor is Steve Owen.

  • New book from Paul-Louis George and Houman Borouchaki: Delaunay Triangulation and meshing (Edition Hermes).

  • Numerical grid generation, foundations and applications, Joe Thompson's classical text book on grid generation, is available online.

  • Jonathan Shewchuk´s Ph.D. thesis (Delaunay Refinement Mesh Generation) with new results on guaranteed quality tetrahedral mesh generation is available online. Another interesting paper: A Condition Guaranteeing the Existence of Higher-Dimensional Constrained Delaunay Triangulations.

  • Research at the Fakultät Bauwesen, Universität Dortmund, is on the generation of quadrilateral element meshes on curved surfaces (click here for more information). sur> qua>

  • ITI: CADfix, a finite element preprocessor with quad and tet automeshing, mapped hex meshing with transition, finite difference auto-meshing and grid blocking and auto-mixed tet and hex meshing. tri> sur> qua> tet> 3str>

  • Andrea Coriand, DLR SISTEC, works on parallel mesh generation for parallel simulation of fluid flow. cfd> par>

  • The homepage of MSC has much information on finite element technology.

  • We have an open position for a mathematician or engineer with experience in the simulation of stress, heat transfer or fluid flow. If you have a background in numerical algorithms for the solution of partial differential equations and if you are interested in the job, please let me know.

  • Development positions at ADINA Inc.: Candidates with knowledge of and interest in automatic mesh generation schemes are particularly encouraged to apply (May 29, 1998).

  • Grid generation specialist / C/C++-programmer sought for work at Xperts Inc., Hampton, VA, USA (Nov, 11, 1998).

  • Open position at SILVACO International: 3D Grid Generator Development Engineer sought for Santa Clara, California (April 8, 1998).

  • Adlib (Caltech Computational Mechanics Group): Generates tetrahedral meshes using the advancing front method. It can produce a mesh either from a boundary representation (BRep) or a surface triangulation of a solid model. tet>

  • DIME (from CALTECH): Distributed Irregular Mesh Environment, a programming environment for creating unstructured triangular meshes and doing calculations on the mesh. tri>

  • Preproc (Tiberiu Chelcea): Interactive generation of triangular element meshes. tri>

  • SMESH3D (NSRC): An interactive 3D grid generator used by aerospace engineers to generate and edit multiple surface and block grids to be used in CFD solvers. 2str> 3str>

  • The GRID Search Engine at NPAC, University of Syracuse, is a database of web pages related to grid generation.

  • John Eaton (TICAM): His research interests include grid generation about arbitrary shapes in 2 and 3 dimensions.

  • Hao Shi, department of electrical engineering, University of Missouri - Rolla, works on numerical electromagnetic modeling and mesh generation. ee>

  • William M. Chan, Gregory J. Wilson and John A. Ekaterinaris work on grid generation for cfd at ELORET, Palo Alto, CA. cfd> aer>

  • GSSL: Automesh, a robust and fast program for generating accurate meshes on 2D complex regions. Meshing of areas into either triangular or quadrilateral elements. tri> qua>

  • A nice online introduction to numerical grid generation can be found in the BEST info system.

  • 4th Symposium on Overset Composite Grid & Solution Technology, Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, U.S.A., September 23-25, 1998.

  • A well established EU-Research Network is seeking for doctoral and post-doctoral fellows (job description). The work to be carried out within the Network concerns basic research and covers, among others, the following topics for which candidates are sought: Geometric modelling, finite element mesh generation, finite element analysis and dynamic analysis of natural objects (March 31, 1998).

  • Karstein Sørli, senior research scientist at the SINTEF applied mathematics group, does research in grid generation and object oriented numerical simulation software (March 31, 1998).

  • The department of mechanical engineering, American University of Beirut, has a project on grid generation: Development of MESHER, a multi-block structured object-oriented grid generator. There is also a project on the application of artificial intelligence to the problem of mesh generation in finite element software at the department of electrical and computer engineering (March 31, 1998).

  • The interests of the Nottingham Trent University department of mechanical and manufacturing engineering in heat transfer and fluid flow include the application of Artificial Neural Networks to grid generation for CFD (March 31, 1998).

  • Jonathan Shewchuk´s Ph.D. thesis (Delaunay Refinement Mesh Generation) with new results on guaranteed quality tetrahedral mesh generation is available online. Another interesting paper: A Condition Guaranteeing the Existence of Higher-Dimensional Constrained Delaunay Triangulations (March 31, 1998).

  • The URL of Steve Owens Meshing Research Corner has been changed to (March 31, 1998).

  • XGEN (Pavel Solin): A moving particle scheme for 2D unstructured triangle grid generation (March 19, 1998).

  • Meshing research at the Institute for Forming Technology, ETH Zürich, is on automatic remeshing algorithms for the simulation of metal forming processes (March 19, 1998).

  • Meshtools (Tom Gross): A Matlab toolbox of functions for the generation and manipulation of 2-D triangular element grids (March 19, 1998).

  • Lusas Ltd., Kingston upon Thames, UK, has a job offer for a software engineer who has a solid understanding of programming techniques and is familiar with 3D geometric modelling and meshing (March 19, 1998).

  • The 7th Mesh Generation Roundtable and Conference will take place at Ford Research Center in Dearborn, Michigan, October 26-28, 1998.

  • Finite element mesh optimization: A short course MOVING in the frame of the LEONARDO (COMETT) european project, organized by Pierre Beckers ( It will take place at LTAS, Université de Liège, from May 18 to 20, 1998 (March 12, 1998).

  • Prof. Pablo Barrera-Sanchez, National University of Mexico, works on numerical quadrilateral grid generation over plane irregular regions (March 7, 1998).

  • Jason DeGraw, Penn State University department of mathematics, does research in fluid mechanics, computational fluid mechanics, applied mathematics and mesh generation (Feb. 21, 1998).

  • Scott C. Hagen, University of Central Florida Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, works on error analysis of finite element methods and grid generation (Feb. 21, 1998).

  • Michael Hesse works on structured grid generation for the simulation of aeroelastic phenomena (Institute for Mechanics, RWTH Aachen) (Feb. 15, 1998).

  • Jan Thomsen and Robert Schneiders work on mesh generation for the simulation of casting processes at MAGMA Giessereitechnologie GmbH in Aachen (Feb. 15, 1998).

  • Eric Hjelmfelt is in charge of the meshing activities at Altair Computing (Hypermesh) (Feb. 15, 1998).

  • Markus Pfletschinger, Richard Hirschmann GmbH, works on mesh generation for the simulation of electromagnetic phenomena (Feb. 15, 1998).

  • GMSH (Jean-Francois Remacle): A Delaunay-based mesh generator, generates adapted meshes for lines, surfaces and volumes (Feb. 15, 1998).

  • Proceedings of the Special Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation (1997 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting), AMD-Vol 220, ISBN No. 0-7918 1558-7 (1997).

  • Jean-François Remacle is a postdoctoral fellow at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal. His Ph.D. was about error analysis and adaptive meshing for electromagnetic field calculations. Now he works on moving meshes for simulation of injection molding processes and on the public domain mesh generator GMSH (Feb. 15, 1998).

  • Roberto Grosso, University of Erlangen Computer Graphics Group: His research is on hierarchical meshes for volume data and progressive iso-surface extraction (Feb. 15, 1998).

  • Carl Ollivier-Gooch announces GRUMMP, a new 2d/3d unstructured mesh generator. GRUMMP includes executables for two- and three-dimensional mesh generation and improvement and for three-dimensional scattered data interpolation (Feb. 5, 1998).

  • Brad Barber announces qhull 2.5. Qhull computes convex hulls, halfspace intersections, Delaunay triangulations, and Voronoi regions and vertices in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. It includes internal design documentation[new], C source code, and executables for Windows 95/NT. It handles precision problems via merged facets or joggled input[new] (Feb. 5, 1998).

  • Gill Barequet is a post-doctoral fellow at JHU department of computer science. His research interests in general are in computational geometry and geometric computing. He has worked on two- and three-dimensional triangulation algorithms and on algorithms for repairing incomplete CAD (STL) data (Jan. 27, 1998).

  • Adrian Dolling, Channel Consulting Ltd., Victoria, is the developer of the TriGrid modeling system for triangular grids (Jan. 27, 1998).

  • 4th Symposium on Overset Composite Grid & Solution Technology, Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, U.S.A., September 23-25, 1998 (Jan. 18, 1998).

  • Dmitri Pobobedov, MPEI, Moscow, works on mesh generation for finite element simulations (Jan. 9, 1998).

  • Guido Dhondt, DASA-MTU, works mesh generation for the simulation of crack propagation: Insertion of arbitrary crack shapes into an hexahedral element mesh, combined with a local remeshing strategy (Jan. 9, 1998).

  • CFD developer sought to join the Waterloo team of AEA´s Canadian operation. Experience in work with grid generation and adaptive meshing using UNIX will be useful (Jan. 4, 1998).

  • Mingyu Sun, PhD candidate at the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, works on adaptive mesh refinement, quadrilateral mesh generation for arbitrary geometries and vectorization (Dec. 28, 1997).

  • The proceedings of the 6th International Meshing Roundtable, October 13-15, 1997, Park City, Utah, are available online at Steve Owen's Meshing Research Corner (Dec. 12, 1997).

  • Robert Bader, Munich University, Institute for Hydraulic Machinery, is interested in unstructured grid generation for cfd simulations (Dec. 7, 1997).

  • Dinesh Shikhare, NCST graphics division, works on grid generation on surfaces and on tetrahedronalization (Dec. 7, 1997).

  • Senior researach associate with background in mesh generation sought for Lawrence Berkeley Lab (Dec. 7, 1997).

  • Employment opportunities at Computer Science Corporation: Grid generation analyst and grid generation engineer sought for CSC´s Virginia branch (Dec. 7, 1997).

  • Martin Held is a professor at the University of Salzburg, Computer Science Department. His research is in computational geometry: Fast industrial strenth triangulations, conforming mesh generation and Voronoi diagrams (Dec. 6, 1997). <

  • Mesh generation is a part of the virtual aneurysm project at the Radiological Sciences Group, UCLA School of Medicine (Dec. 6, 1997).

  • Open position at Los Alamos National Laboratory: Member of the Problem Setup Team in the Computational Science Methods Group of the Applied Theoretical and ComputationalPhysics Division sought for the development of a setup tool that reads a CAD geometric representation and outputs a grid specificationfor use by a simulation code (Dec. 6, 1997).

  • Sergei Chumakov, mathematics department, University of Wisconsin at Madison, works on the SiGMA package for grid generation (Dec. 6, 1997).

  • Open position at Lawrence Livermoore National Laboratory: Software engineers sought for developing algorithms, utilities, and systems that extend the state-of-the-art in parallel computing and mesh generation (Nov. 23, 1997).

  • The Israel-Korea Bi-National Conference on New Themes in Computer Aided Geometric Modeling, Tel-Aviv, Israel, February 18-19, 1998, has a session on mesh generation (Nov. 23, 1997).

  • Juan José Rodríguez, department of fluid mechanics, Universidad Central de Venezuela, is interested in computational spatial information systems to create, manipulate and visualize three-dimensional spaces: grid generation and visualization (Nov. 23, 1997).

  • P. T. Hristova, department of informatics, University of Rousse, works on finite element mesh generation and preprocessing (Nov. 23, 1997).

  • Emilia Entcheva, Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Memphis: Her research is in mesh generation from MRI-based data for cardiac electrophysiology. Tet> Me>

  • Mesh generation is part of a project on the mathematical modelling of distortions of sintered ceramic bodies at IRIS, Swinburne University of Technology (Nov. 19, 1997).

  • Hartwig Grabowski and Andreas Mazura, Institute for Real-Time Computer Systems & Robotics (IPR) at the University of Karlsruhe, work on mesh generation from volumetric medical images (Nov. 19, 1997).

  • Stefan Irmisch, ABB Corporate Research Ltd., Baden-Dättwill, works on tetrahedral grid generation for turbomachinery applications (Nov. 16, 1997).

  • Bruce Johnston is in charge of the mesh generation activities at MSC´s Lowell site. There is another group in Costa Mesa (Nov. 16, 1997).

  • David Ives, Pratt and Whitney, works on grid based hex meshing with application in cfd (Nov. 16, 1997).

  • Changzheng Huang´s research interests include structured and unstructured grid generation (Droplet Dynamics and Manufacturing Laboratory, University of California, Irvine) (Nov. 16, 1997).

  • The 4th national SIMAI congress, Catania, Italy, June 1-5, 1998, has a special session on Numerical Grid Generation and Industrial Applications (Nov. 16, 1997).

  • Régis Agut, department of petroleum Engineering at Stanford University: His research is on streamline grids for reservoir simulation (Nov. 9, 1997).

  • Manual J. Garcia´s interest is in the integration of fixed grid finite element analysis into the design process (University of Sidney) (Nov. 9, 1997).

  • ITM (swedish institute for applied mathematics) has a project on unstructured grid generation with application in cfd (joint work with ABB and Volvo) (Nov. 9, 1997).

  • ICEM CFD is specialized in preprocesing of cfd simulations, both in structured and unstructured meshes. Development is done in Berkeley, CA and Hannover (Germany) (Nov. 9, 1997).

  • From the CFD Jobs database: There are a number of postdoc positions at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in CFD and FEA for Electronic Packaging, in particular in Solid Geometric Modeling and Automatic Mesh Generation (Nov. 9, 1997).

  • George Nicholas Foutrakis, University of Pittsburgh Laboratory for Computational Neuroscience, works on the Construction of 3-D Intracranial Arterial Meshes from Magnetic Resonance Angiography (Nov. 9, 1997).

  • Xiang-Qun Song, Yamamoto Lab, Fukui University, works on Delaunay-based grid generation with application in cfd (Nov. 6, 1997).

  • Børre Bang, Høgskolen i Narvik: His thesis is on Integration of tools for CAD, Terrain Modelling and CFD (Nov. 6, 1997).

  • Femsys Ltd: FEMGV, a general-purpose pre- and post-processing program for use with Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and finite difference applications (Nov. 6, 1997).

  • Jason Lander, Environment Centre, University of Leeds, works on unstructured mesh generation (unstructured meshes over orography) (Nov. 6, 1997).

  • Mesh-maker (Jason Lander): A program for generating unstructured meshes over a pre-specified orography (Nov. 6, 1997).

  • Jean-Louis Coulomb´s research is on the computation of 2D and 3D magnetic fields in power engineering and the development of tridimensional finite elements mesh generators (L.E.G., E.N.S.I.E.G., Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble) (Nov. 2, 1997).

  • Ted Blacker is in charge of the mesh generation at Fluent´s Chicago office. There is another group at the Fluent Headquarter in New Hampshire (contact Greg Spragle). One focus of Fluent´s development is unstructured hex meshing (Nov. 2, 1997).

  • Scott Canann heads the mesh generation group at Ansys Inc. He is also an adjunct professor at CMU (Nov. 2, 1997).

  • Mayur Patel´s research interests lie in the modelling of a number of processes, he is currently involved in the application of Neural Networks for grid generation, Dynamic Grid Adaption and the development of an unstructured modelling tool for multi-phase flows (School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Greenwich) (Oct. 25, 1997).

  • There are two open positions at RPI in the SCOREC project: Research and development in the area of automated finite element modeling (Oct. 25, 1997).

  • Noel G. Walkington, CMU Mathematics Science Department, works on numerical approximation of pde´s and automatic mesh generation, in cooperation with colleagues in the computer science department (Oct. 25, 1997).

  • Mesh generation is a part of the ESP project at the Swiss Center for Scientific Computing. Emphasis is on automatic topology generation for 2D and 3D blockstructured meshes and surface meshes (contact Edgar Gerteisen) (Oct. 25, 1997).

  • Sisira Y. Jayasinghe is a member of the mesh generation group at SDRC (Oct. 24, 1997).

  • Open position at SDRC: Member of a team working on enhancements and maintenance of I-DEAS Simulation Finite Element Modeling software, with an emphasis on unstructured mesh generation (Oct. 24, 1997).

  • Laxmi P. Gewali, University of Nevada at Las Vegas, department of computer science, is interested in computational geometry and mesh generation (Oct. 24, 1997).

  • Mesh generation at Numeca Int.: Ko-Foa Tchon works on the octree-based unstructured hexahedra mesh generator, Michel Pottiez has developed the structured grid generator IGG (Oct. 24, 1997).

  • Leland Jameson, ICASE at NASA Langley Research Center, has come up with a wavelet-based technique for structured grid generation (Oct. 24, 1997).

  • Matt Rees and Hao Chen do the mesh generation job at MARC Analysis Research Corp. (Oct. 24, 1997).

  • Raindrop Geomatic: Geomagic Wrap is designed for automatic surface reconstruction and mesh generation from point cloud data (October 19, 1997).

  • Herbert Edelsbrunner, UIUC department of computer science, is interested in the theoretical foundations of mesh generation and in surface reconstruction from scattered data points (October 19, 1997).

  • Open position at the DLR Instute of Design Aerodynamics, Braunschweig, Germany: Multiblock-structured grid generation (October 19, 1997).

  • SPC TeleEngineering Corpororation in Santa Clara, CA, develops a program for the generation of unstructured hexahedral element meshes (contact Yoshihiko Mochizuki) (October 19, 1997).

  • There are two opportunities for research associates at the QUB finite element group (Belfast, UK). The work will be on medial axis decomposition techniques (click here for a job description). Closing date is October 28 (October 7, 1997).

  • Cimatron: Finite Element Modeler allows to create meshes using brick, prism, and tetrahedral elements directly from the design model (October 3, 1997),

  • The URL of Steve Owens Meshing Research Corner has been changed to

  • Jean-Francois Remacle announces GMSH, a Delaunay-based mesh generator that generates adapted meshes for lines, surfaces and volumes.

  • The abstracts of the Special Symposium on Trends in Unstructured Mesh Generation (1997 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting) are available online.

  • Carl Ollivier-Gooch announces GRUMMP, a new 2d/3d unstructured mesh generator. GRUMMP includes executables for two- and three-dimensional mesh generation and improvement and for three-dimensional scattered data interpolation.

  • Brad Barber announces qhull 2.5. Qhull computes convex hulls, halfspace intersections, Delaunay triangulations, and Voronoi regions and vertices in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. It includes internal design documentation[new], C source code, and executables for Windows 95/NT. It handles precision problems via merged facets or joggled input[new].

  • The proceedings of the 6th International Meshing Roundtable, October 13-15, 1997, Park City, Utah, are available online at Steve Owen's Meshing Research Corner.

  • New book from Paul-Louis George and Houman Bourachaki: Triangulation de Delaunay et maillage adaptif. Editions Hermes (1997). An english version will be available soon.

  • New book from S.A. Ivanenko: Adaptive-harmonic grid generation. CCRAS, Moscow, 181 pp., 1997 (in Russian).

  • CFD developer sought to join the Waterloo team of AEA´s Canadian operation. Experience in work with grid generation and adaptive meshing using UNIX will be useful (Jan. 4, 1998).

  • Senior researach associate with background in mesh generation sought for Lawrence Berkeley Lab (Dec. 7, 1997).

  • Employment opportunities at Computer Science Corporation: Grid generation analyst and grid generation engineer sought for CSC´s Virginia branch (Dec. 7, 1997).

  • Open position at Los Alamos National Laboratory: Member of the Problem Setup Team in the Computational Science Methods Group of the Applied Theoretical and ComputationalPhysics Division sought for the development of a setup tool that reads a CAD geometric representation and outputs a grid specificationfor use by a simulation code (Dec. 6, 1997).

  • There is a job posting for industrial PhDs with a good first degree in physics, mathematics or engineering in Bristol (UK) by Beechwood Recruitment Limited. Topics might include grid generation, geometry development and parallel processing (Dec. 6, 1997).

  • Open position at Lawrence Livermoore National Laboratory: Parallel application programmers sought for developing algorithms, utilities, and systems that extend the state-of-the-art in parallel computing and mesh generation (Nov. 23, 1997).

  • From the CFD Jobs database: There are a number of postdoc positions at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in CFD and FEA for Electronic Packaging, in particular in Solid Geometric Modeling and Automatic Mesh Generation (Nov. 9, 1997).

  • There are two open positions at RPI in the SCOREC project: Research and development in the area of automated finite element modeling (Oct. 25, 1997).

  • Open position at SDRC: Member of a team working on enhancements and maintenance of I-DEAS Simulation Finite Element Modeling software, with an emphasis on unstructured mesh generation. There is another opportunity in preprocessing development (Oct. 24, 1997).

  • Open position at the DLR Instute of Design Aerodynamics, Braunschweig, Germany: Multiblock-structured grid generation (October 19, 1997).

  • Open position at SCOREC, Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute, NY: Research and development in the area of automated finite element modeling. Specific areas of expertise required include; perform research and development in the area of automatic finite element mesh generation (May 17, 1998).

  • 6th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulation, University of Greenwich, Avery Hill Campus, London, England, 6th-9th July 1998.

  • Paul Lalonde, University of British Columbia, works on adaptive discretization for progressive radiosity. sur> cg>

  • Some mesh generators are described in the SGI applications and solutions directory.

  • Report RND 91-006 (Matthew Blake, NASA Ames Research Center) evaluates geometry manipulation and grid generation tools (1991).

  • Mesh generation at DINMA, University of Trieste: Easymesh, generation of constrained Delaunay triangulations with quality control (Bojan Niceno). del>

  • Peter Gert Wehner, Institute of Mechanics, University of Magdeburg, works on mesh generation and cad/fem-integration. cad>

  • Fourth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 29 June - 2 July, 1998.

  • Mesh generation is part of a project on the mathematical modelling of distortions of sintered ceramic bodies at IRIS, Swinburne University of Technology. met>

  • The 7th Mesh Generation Roundtable and Conference will take place at Ford Research Center in Dearborn, Michigan, October 26-28, 1998. Deadline for abstract submission is June 13, 1998.

  • There are two opportunities for research associates at the QUB finite element group (Belfast, UK). The work will be on medial axis decomposition techniques (click here for a job description). Closing date is October 28.

  • From the CFD Jobs database: ICEM CFD has oppotunities for experienced programmers in pre- and postprocessing (August 12, 1997).

  • The Swiss Center for Scientific Computing (CSCS/SCSC) in Manno, Ticino, part of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, invites applications for a research scientist with background in CFD and especially in related Preprocessing. The applicant should have background knowledge on the development of mesh generation algorithms based on Delaunay techniques and heuristics (August 10, 1997).

  • Enterprise Software Products, Inc. is looking for an advanced geometry and meshing specialist who will develop and maintain geometric/topological and unstructured meshing algorithms in support of a state-of-the-art analysis modeling software, including CAD data clean-up and repair (July 15, 1997).

  • Applications are sought for a United Kingdom EPSRC funded one-year position at the school of mathematics, Univerisity of Bath, to work on domain decomposition techniques for the iterative solution of elliptic PDEs on unstructured grids (July 11, 1997).

  • There are research opportunities on grid generation in the NRC Research Associateship Program at NASA research centers:

  • Surface Modeling and Grid Generation
  • Airframe/Inlet Aerodynamics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Computational Modeling for High-Speed Propulsion
  • Aerothermodynamics of Turbomachinery
  • Numerical Grid Generation
  • Employment opportunity at CFD Research Corporation: Geometry/grid generation/CAD interface development engineer needed. Job Description: Development of 3D geometry modeling using CSG and Brep and unstructured grid generation (tetra, hexa) for CFD or structural simulations. Will also develop direct and indirect (e.g., CIF, GDS, DXF, and EDIF) interfaces with ECAD design tools (July 9, 1997).

  • From the CFD Jobs Database: To support its continuous growth NUMECA Int. is looking for software engineers to join its team of developers on all aspects of the CFD software, including grid generation, visualisation, graphical user interface and CFD (job description) (June 29, 1997).

  • The 6th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulation will take place at the University of Greenwich, Avery Hill Campus, London, England, 6th-9th July 1998.

  • The 1998 ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, June 7-10, 1998, has a track for applied papers, including mesh generation.

  • Finite element mesh optimization: A short course MOVING in the frame of the LEONARDO (COMETT) european project, organized by Pierre Beckers ( It will take place at LTAS, Université de Liège, from May 18 to 20, 1998.

  • The 4th national SIMAI congress, Catania, Italy, June 1-5, 1998, has a special session on Numerical Grid Generation and Industrial Applications.

  • 1998 ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, June 7-10, 1998.

  • Bilge Kaan Karamete, Department of Engineering Sciences, Middle East Technical University, works on triangular and tetrahedral mesh generation and partitioning. tet> del> adv>

  • InGrid is a project on interactive grid generation at the Institute for Innovation and Transfer, FH Karlsruhe (Norbert Link and Bruno Schrempp).

  • InGrid (IIT): A grid generation tool developed especially for complicated geometries in engineering. 2str>

  • Finite element mesh optimization: A short course MOVING in the frame of the LEONARDO (COMETT) european project, organized by Pierre Beckers ( It will take place at LTAS, Université de Liège, Belgium, from May 18 to 20, 1998.

  • Jens-Dominik Müller does the mesh generation job in the CERFACS cfd group in Toulouse. cfd> aer>

  • Computational Aerosciences in the 21th Century, ICASE/LaRC Workshop, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, April 22-24, 1998.

  • Michael Rucki works on adaptive mesh generation for the OOFE program at Ecole Centrale de Paris. tet> del>

  • The SINTEF industrial mathematics group in Oslo does research on grid generation.

  • The Israel-Korea Bi-National Conference on New Themes in Computer Aided Geometric Modeling, Tel-Aviv, Israel, February 18-19, 1998, has a session on mesh generation.

  • Elke Wilczok and Ingo Eichenseher at the Chair for Applied Mathematics (Munich University) work on 2D- and 3D-triangulation algorithms. Tet>

  • Stefano Paoletti (IBM ECSEC, Rome) works on the engAGE multiblock grid generation system. str> cfd>

  • Meshing research in the SFB 401 (Modulation of flow and fluid-structure interaction at airplane wings) at RWTH Aachen: Jörg Eisenreich, Wolfgang Dahmen and Robert Schneiders work on octree-based hexahedral mesh generation for cfd simulations. qua> hex> oct>

  • 14th GAMM seminar on concepts of numerical software, Kiel, Germany, January 23rd to 25th (1998).

  • Martin Held, department of applied mathematics and statistics, SUNY, uses conforming mesh generation for collision detection in VR. tet> del> cg>

  • Mesh generation is a part of the CEM project (computational electromagnetics simulation system) at NSF Engineering Research Center, MSU. Ee> str>

  • Rajesh Amara, department of mechanical engineering, Oregon State University, works on the FEMAGE finite element mesh generator.

  • DeltaCAD: DeltaMESH Stamping, a surface mesh generator dedicated to stamping simulation. sur>

  • Chopper (from QUB): Unstructured hex meshing based on the medial surface approach with application in mechanical and aerospace engineering. hex>

  • EDS/Unigraphics: UG/GFEM PLUS, surface and volume mesh generation for mechanical engineering analysis. 2str> sur> tet> 3str>

  • The URL of Steve Owens Meshing Research Corner, the mesh generation literature database, has been changed to

  • The Los Alamos Scientific Computing Group announces Ouverture, a library of C++ classes for the solution of partial differential equations on complicated domains based on multiblock-structured and overlapping grid technology. It is also useful for grid generation.

  • There are two opportunities for research associates at the QUB finite element group (Belfast, UK). The work will be on medial axis decomposition techniques (click here for a job description). Closing date is October 28.

  • EDS/Unigraphics: UG/GFEM PLUS, surface and volume mesh generation for mechanical engineering analysis. 2str> sur> tet> 3str>

  • IBM ECSEC: engAGE, multiblock-structured grids for cfd. 3str>

  • Postdoctoral position at the University of Minnesota for somebody interested in mesh generation or scientific computing in general (March 19, 1997).

  • There is an open position at ZIB, Berlin: Deformable grid modeling for computational medicine (March 17, 1997).

  • Career Opporunity - 3D Unstructured tetrahedral mesh generation - C/C++ at Ansoft Corp. (March 5, 1997).

  • The CFD group at CRS4 (Milano, Italy) has opportunities in the framework of the TMR program for people with background in grid generation (February 24, 1997).

  • Aerosoft Inc. is looking for a research scientist (unstructured grid generation and geometric modeling) (February 24, 1997).

  • Staff position at Concordia University: Talented software developer/coordinator whose responsibilities would include programming aspects for mesh generation and mesh optimization (February 24, 1997).

  • Cimatron: Finite Element Modeler allows to create meshes using brick, prism, and tetrahedral elements directly from the design model. tet>

  • Peter Krysl, Northwestern University, works on surface mesh generation. sur> adv>

  • Ted Blacker at FDI works on the generation of hexahedral element meshes with application in cfd. cfd> adv> hex>

  • Open position at the Institut für Geometrie und praktische Mathematik, RWTH Aachen (Prof. Wolfgang Dahmen): Unstructured hexahedral mesh generation for CFD (May 24, 1997).

  • Jason Degraw, department of mechanical engineering, University of Houston, works on mesh generation for cfd applications. cfd>

  • Gabriel Bugeda (CIMNE, BUGEDA@ETSECCPB.UPC.ES) performs a survey of existing tools for mesh generation and mesh partitioning (ESPRIT, service contract of the European Community).

  • Stephen J. Alter announces VGM, a grid manipulation tool, used to alter, adapt, smooth, and even generate surface and volume grids based on existing 2D and 3D data.

  • General Mechanics announces Turbomesh, interactive, realtime 3D mesh generation (surface and volume meshes)

  • Brad Barber announces qhull 2.4. Qhull computes convex hulls, halfspace intersections, Delaunay triangulations, and Voronoi regions and vertices in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions.

  • There are research opportunities on grid generation in the NRC Research Associateship Program at NASA research centers:

  • Surface Modeling and Grid Generation
  • Airframe/Inlet Aerodynamics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Computational Modeling for High-Speed Propulsion
  • Aerothermodynamics of Turbomachinery
  • New book from Graham F. Carey: Computational Grids: Generation, Adaptation, and Solution Strategies (Taylor & Francis).

  • MARC Analysis Research Corporation has an employment opportunity (finite element mesh generation development engineer). Candidate should have a M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering or Computer Science and have experience with either Delaunay, octree, or paving meshing techniques (June 4, 1997).

  • Milind Nanal, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, has done some work on unstructured 2D meshing.

  • 6th International Meshing Roundtable, October 13-15, 1997, Park City, Utah

  • The IMACS world congress on scientific computation, modeling and applied mathematics, Berlin, Germany, August 24-29, has a special session on numerical grid generation technologies for advanced simulations.

  • Summerschool on data structures and grid generation, September 8-12, 1997 (part of the Harburger Sommerschulen series of summerschools on numerical software).

  • The II PanAmerican Workshop in Applied and Computational Mathematics, September 8-12, 1997, Serrano, Gramado, Brazil, includes a minisymposium on grid generation and discretization methods.

  • Robert W. Walters, Virginia Tech Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, does research on unstructured algorithm and grid generation technology. tet> cfd> aer>

  • The final program of the special symposium on trends in unstructured mesh generation at the McNU '97 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting is available online.

  • Abstract submission deadline for the 6th International Meshing Roundtable (October 13-15, 1997, Park City, Utah) is July 14.

  • The NAS Device Modeling Workshop, August 7-8, 1997 at NASA Ames Research Center, has a special session on 2D and 3D structured and unstructured mesh generation for devices.

  • Acronem (Larry Holmes): skeleton-based unstructured hex meshing Hex>

  • Neural network modeler needed for the development of a virtual environment for reconstructive surgery. Experience in 3D reconstruction, mesh generation, image processing, and visualization is required (June 14, 1997).

  • There is a special symposium on trends in unstructured mesh generation at the McNU '97 Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Summer Meeting, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, June 29 - July 2, 1997 (click here for the final program).

  • The 13th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, June 29-July 2, 1997 in Snowmass, CO, has a session on grid generation and geometry definition for complex configurations.

  • SIAM's 45th anniversary meeting has a minisymposium on computational geometry approaches to mesh generation (July 14-18, 1997, Stanford University).

  • Parametric Technology Corporation: Pro/MESH, automatic finite element mesh generation of solid models and thin-walled solids created in Pro/ENGINEER.

  • GEN3D (Rainald Löhner): An advancing front mesh generator for the generation of tetrahedral element meshes.

  • IGRID (Thng Cheok Hoey): A 2D mesh generation program for Windows.

  • The GRIDGEN grid generator for CFD applications is available from Pointwise Inc.

  • Jin Chou, NASA NAS, works Superpatch system (generation of structured surface grids). str> sur>

  • Job offer in the CFD Jobs Database: ICEM CFD is looking for qualified developers to work on grid generation, visualization, and modeling applications (job description) (January 4, 1997).

  • Job offer in the CFD Jobs Database: CFD Research Corporation is looking for a software engineer (unstructured grid generation) (March 4, 1997).

  • Job opening at Lawrence Livermoore National Laboratory, California: Computer scientist needed to work in the area of mesh generation for Defense Systems Program (March 18, 1997).

  • Job opening (senior software engineer / finite element analysis) at Macysma Inc., Arlington, VA, for someone with knowledge of fea and automatic gridding (April 1, 1997).

  • Studentship at the department of mechanical engineering, University of British Columbia: Improvement and extension of existing triangular and tetrahedral mesh generators (contact Carl-Ollivier Gooch). Application deadline is March 31.

  • David Kornmann announces SD, a fully dynamic constrained Delaunay triangulation engine for realtime triangulation.

  • Information on the 6th International Meshing Roundtable, October 13-15, 1997, Park City, Utah, is available online. Paper submission deadline is June 13.

  • Mesh2d and mesh3d, programs for triangular / tetrahedral mesh generation from Bilge Kaan Karamete, are available on the net.

  • There are new open positions for people with experience in mesh generation.

  • Bojan Niceno has announced his two-dimensional quality mesh generator Easymesh (generation of constrained Delaunay triangulations).

  • Mark Filipiak's technology watch report on mesh generation is available online (html, postscript).

  • Solid Modeling '97, FOURTH ACM/IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON SOLID MODELING AND APPLICATIONS. Atlanta, Georgia, May 14-16, 1997

  • Workshop on Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Grid Methods, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota, March 12-13, 1997.

  • First Euro Conference on parallel and distributed computing for computational mechanics, Lochinver, Highlands of Scotland, 26th April - 1st May, 1997.

  • The IMA Program Mathematics in High Performance Computing includes a workshop on grid generation and adaptive algorithms (April 28 - May 2, 1997, Minneapolis).

  • Donald Hawken has announced a new version of the UGRID grid generator for 2D Euler or Navier-Stokes simulations. Demo software and a free grid-generating screen saver are available.

  • NASA's steering committee for surface modeling and grid generation has started to build a testcase library for surface modeling and grid generation.

  • QMG1.1, the new version of Stephen Vavasis' surface and volumetric grid generator, is available on the net.

  • The last issue of the Springer journal "Engineering with Computers" is all on mesh generation.

  • The proceedings of the 5th International Mesh Generation Roundtable and Conference 96, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (1996), are available online.
  • Chou, Jin J.

  • Superpatch (Jin Chou): An easy-to-use structured surface grid generation tool.

  • The NSF wants to close the Geometry Center in Minneapolis; they are looking for support.

  • Version 1.3 of Jonathan Chewchuk's 2D delaunay mesh generator Triangle is now available on netlib.

  • FLUENT Inc. has an open position for a technical writer/engineer (cfd grid generation software) (August 24, 1996).

  • Adaptive Research Inc. has an opening for a senior cfd software developer with experience in unstructured grid generation algorithms development (July 29, 1996).

  • In a German newspaper I found an ad: open position (grid generation) at the Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Braunschweig (July 27, 1996).

  • There is a PhD research position in the area of numerical solution of partial differential equations, investigating adaptive meshing and other related CFD questions, at the Applied Mathematics Division, University of Liverpool (July 8, 1996).

  • The Advanced Imaging Research Group, London, Ontario (Canada), has an open position for an expert in medical imaging and unstructured mesh generation (contact David Steinman) (June 19, 1996).

  • CFD Research Corporation has an open positions for people with background in grid generation, visualization and software development (June 7, 1996).

  • Voronoi Diagrams, Triangulations, Splines. Workshop, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, Feb. 19-21, 1997.

  • There is an open position at CFD Lab, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada for somebody interested in mesh generation and software engineering (September 12, 1996).

  • The Institut fuer Entwurfsaerodymanik, DLR Brunswick, is looking for masters students who want to write their thesis on grid generation (contact Olaf Brodersen,

  • There is an opportunity at Lawrence Livermoore National Laboratory for someone with background in parallel processing and mesh generation.

  • Two-year research associateship available at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby (Canada) (May 25, 1996).

  • The Office of Naval Research-ASEE Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, NASA Lewis Research Center, has a research opportunity (mesh generation for internal fluid mechanics and heat transfer, 10 weeks, 3 June-9 August, 1996) (May 3, 1996).

  • In the German newspaper "Die Zeit" I found a hint on an open position at TU Berlin for multiblock structured grid generation (April 25, 1996).

  • The Integrated Systems Laboratory, ETH Zuerich, has an assistantship: 3d mesh generation for semiconductor device simulation (April 11, 1996).

  • MARC Analysis has an open position for a finite element mesh generation development engineer (March 12, 1996).

  • There is on open position for a grid generation specialist at NASA Langley Research Center (March 11, 1996).

  • Very urgent: open position - non-structured mesh generation - at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Jan. 2, 1996).

  • Open position at the Institut fuer Geometrie und praktische Mathematik, RWTH Aachen (Prof. Wolfgang Dahmen): Unstructured hexahedral mesh generation for CFD (September 16, 1996).

  • The IMACS world congress on scientific computation, modeling and applied mathematics, Berlin, Germany, August 24-29, has a special session on numerical grid generation technologies for advanced simulations. Deadline for the submission of papers is December 10, 1996.

  • Call for papers: Voronoi Diagrams, Triangulations, Splines, Workshop, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, Feb. 19-21, 1997. Deadline for applications is Jan. 7, 1997.

  • Philippe Dewagenaere, INRIA laboratoire national d'hydraulique, works on structured grid generation.

  • Lau Sum Hung, department of electrical and electronical engineering, Hongkong University, works on adaptive mesh generation for electromagnetic field calculations. Ee>

  • The IMACS world congress on scientific computation, modeling and applied mathematics, Berlin, Germany, August 24-29, has a special session on numerical grid generation technologies for advanced simulations. Deadline for the submission of papers is December 10, 1996.

  • The deadline for the submission of papers for the Workshop on Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Grid Methods, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota, March 12-13, 1997, is December 15.

  • Chrisochoides Nikos at the University of Syracuse: Parallel grid generation (structured and unstructered 2D/3D grids). Par> Del>

  • 3rd Overset Composite Grid and Solution Technology Symposium, Los Alamos, New Mexico, November 18-21, 1996.

  • The list of accepted papers of the 5th International Mesh Generation Roundtable and Conference 96 is available online.

  • 5th International Mesh Generation Roundtable and Conference 96, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., October 10-11, 1996.

  • The first CGC workshop on computational geometry at the Center for Geometric Computing, Baltimore, October 11-12, 1996, has a session on mesh generation.

  • Grid Generation: Automation and Parallel Utilization, COSMASE course, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 23-27, 1996

  • Sixth Workshop on Methods of Grid Generation and their Applications, Djurso, Russia, September 1996.

  • The Institut fuer Schiffs- und Meerestechnik, TU Berlin, has an open position for a PhD student with grid generation skills (July 12, 1996).

  • Evgueni Loukipoudis, University of Gent, works on mesh generation and CAD.

  • From the FAZ newspaper: Open position at Cray Research Germany (Dec. 8, 1995).

  • Career Opporunity - 3D Unstructured tetrahedral mesh generation - C/C++ at Ansoft Corp. (Dec. 7, 1995).

  • FLUENT Inc. is looking for developers with experience in unstructured grid generation (job description, October 20th, 1995).

  • ICEM CFD has an open position for a grid generation programmer in Berkeley, CA (August 21th, 1995).

  • Immediate cfd employment opportunity at NASA Lewis Research Center: unstructured grid generation (June 28th, 1995).

  • Job opportunity at NUMECA Int., Brussels, Belgium: grid generation for computational fluid dymamics (June 9th, 1995).

  • SILVACO has an exciting opening: mesh generation for the TCAD project (March 12, 1996).

  • There is an open position at Silvaco Data Systems, Santa Clara, California: 3D grid generation for semiconductor device simulation (June 26th, 1995).

  • Grid Adaptation in Computational PDEs: Theory and Applications, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 1-5, 1996

  • Workshop on Computational Geometry Problems in Fluid Dynamics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ., July 1-3, 1996 (contact Tim Baker,

  • ACM Workshop on Applied Computational Geometry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 27-28, 1996

  • Third World Conference in Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, May 19-23, 1996

  • Grid Generation, Adaptive Refinement & Redistribution: Short course, Graham F. Carey, University of Texas at Austin, May 1-3, 1996.

  • Numerical Grid Generation in CFD and Related Fields Conference, Mississippi State University, MS, USA, April 1-5, 1996

  • The GRIDGEN grid generator for CFD applications that was developed at Wright Laboratory - CFD Research Branch is now available from Pointwise Inc. More information on this system is provided by the MESHENGER newsletter.

  • International Workshop on Adaptive Finite Element Methods, Heidelberg, Germany, November 6-8, 1995

  • Fourth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Nashville, Tennessee, November 6 - 9, 1995

  • 4th Annual International Meshing Roundtable, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 16-17, 1995

  • Finite elements in fluids: new trends and applications, Venezia, Italy, 15th-21st October, 1995

  • Recent Developments in Grid Generation, Seminar, Bristol, UK, September 14, 1995
  • Back to the mesh generation homepage.

    Robert Schneiders